Fox & Staniland can assist you in negotiating the terms of a wide range of business transactions, contracts and agreements including:

At Fox & Staniland we also understand that smaller businesses often experience an imbalance of power when negotiating with larger businesses, such as large suppliers or even landlords. Achieving the best possible outcome from commercial transactions such as a contract for the sale of a business or a commercial lease can be difficult when one party has more resources or market power than another.

However, there are a wide range of industry codes and Acts which may influence how certain transactions are to be negotiated and many of these laws are effective in protecting smaller businesses. For example, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) contains specific provisions aiming to prevent stronger parties using their bargaining power in harsh or oppressive ways against others. Section 21 of the Act prohibits unconscionable conduct in relation to the supply or acquisition of goods and services. Courts will look at a variety of factors to determine whether a party has engaged in unconscionable conduct, such as any use of undue influence, unfair tactics, whether parties acted in good faith and whether the stronger party imposed conditions that were not necessary to protect their legitimate business interests.

At Fox & Staniland we will combine our extensive practical commercial experience with sound legal knowledge to ensure your rights, property and best interests are protected during any commercial transaction you may need to negotiate.