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In a recent case a husband and wife owned a business, but it was not doing well. They decided to downsize their home and exchanged contracts to sell it for $1.35 million dollars. They then entered into a contract to purchase a new home. Read more
In a recent case, a manager of an engineering and construction company and his team were finishing a major project. The manager suggested to the company’s CEO that he take the team out for lunch to celebrate. The CEO agreed to the lunch but specified a no-alcohol policy due to company rules and the dangers involved with driving company cars back to the factory. Nevertheless, some employees consumed alcohol, including the manager himself. Read more
In a recent case, a father and mother had four children. The father had previously been charged with possession of child exploitation material. The couple’s eldest child claimed the father had sexually assaulted him. The mother confronted the father. However, he denied these allegations. Nevertheless, the mother withheld all the children from the father, believing that he posed an unacceptable risk of harm to the children. The father then sued in the Family Court seeking orders for access to the children. Read more
In a recent case, a couple had been married for nearly 15 years. They separated due to a variety of issues. There had been different forms of abuse during the relationship. Read more