In a recent case, a landlord owned and operated a large shopping centre. The landlord engaged a security company to provide security for the premises. This security company sub-contracted the responsibilities to another security company who employed a man to guard the shopping centre. This man was made familiar with various manuals which covered his role and outlined responses to specific incidents like armed persons and robberies. Read more
Here are 5 things your business needs to know about its health and safety obligations to employees working from home: Read more
The last thing you need is for your business to do business with a “phoenix business”. Read more
Fidan Shevket of Fox & Staniland Lawyers is the only lawyer in Sydney’s North Shore to have been named as a finalist in the category of Family Law Partner of the Year at the Lawyers Weekly Partner of the Year Awards 2021. Read more
Not having a properly drafted contract is risky, particularly when the good faith on which the relationship was built disappears, and the relationship ends. That is when a clear and concise written agreement, which sets out the rights and obligations of the parties, is invaluable. Read more
In a recent case a husband and wife had two young children. The husband and wife separated. During the process of separation, the husband and wife began a long dispute over parenting. Following a serious motorbiking accident the husband was hospitalised for three months and the children stayed with the mother the whole time. Read more
Businesses generally evolve over time as they become more profitable. Business owners have to decide on the most suitable business structure to use. In a recent matter the business owners definitely left it too late to work these things out. Read more
The rise of online fundraising platforms such as GoFundMe has made raising money easier than ever. Despite the ease with which funds can now be raised, many complex areas are overseen. Here are the 5 things you may not have considered when fundraising online: Read more
The dispute is all too familiar. A pipe between the walls of your lot and another lot is leaking water into your property. Your strata manager insists on billing you for the plumbing repairs, but you argue that the leak is happening in a common area, making it the responsibility of the owners’ corporation. Read more
In 2013 a woman died. She was the mother of a son who was bankrupt. Her will stated that the bankrupt son was to be the executor of her estate and the sole beneficiary. In addition to this, the mother had not made a Binding Death Benefit nomination for her superannuation. This meant that the payment of the superannuation would be decided by the trustees of the super fund. Read more